What is Folios?

Folios is the cultural publication of Moleskine Foundation that was launched in New York in 2019 during the “I Had a Dream” International Exhibition.
It is written in English, has a frequency of 2-3 numbers per year and is published in Italy.

Each issue focuses on a different meaning of creativity for social change, aiming to highlight and deepen our programs and initiatives, through the voices and experiences of our partners and beneficiaries.

Since 2020, Folios is printed on Favini’s paper Shiro Echo with 100% recycled fibre; we use vegetable-based ink only, 100% IPA free.

Where can I read Folios?

Discover and enjoy a selection of Folios contents on Medium, an online publishing platform reached by millions of readers every month.

You can find Folios at:

  • MagCulture (London, UK)
  • Verso Libri (Milan, Italy)
  • Bonvini 1909 (Milan, Italy)
  • Reading Room (Milan, Italy)
  • Frab’s (Forli and Milan, Italy)
  • Edicola 518 (Perugia, Italy)

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