THE LAW OF CREATIVITY. On Decanonisation, Alchemy and Wisdom
Volume n.6

This edition of Folios redefines the meaning of creativity, not just as a frivolity or luxury, but as an essential skill that is innate in all people.
A skill that is changing the world from South Africa to Venezuela, to Palestine, to Congo, to Sudan, Ukraine, and many parts of the world that are, in the words of trans public intellectual Bayo Akomolafe, who is featured herein, experiencing unbridled cracks that we cannot afford to smooth over as we have in the past. But cracks which are a ‘monster’s gift’. The Law ofCreativity is about understanding creativity as foundational for a society as law is.

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  • Stacey Abrams
  • Khalid Albaih
  • Bayo Akomolafe
  • Manfredi Ricca
  • Ruha Benjamin
  • Marta Foresti
  • William Shoki
  • Atelier Picha
  • Communitism
  • Post Disaster
  • Lelapa
  • Seven Hills
  • Circus Zambia
  • Freedom Studio
  • North Luzon Cinema Guild
  • Spit It Out
  • Escuela de Teatro Musical de Petare
  • XFarm


Edited by
Lwando Xaso

Moleskine Foundation editorial team
Daniele Carlini

Art direction & design
Luca Bogoni

Illustrations by
Anton Ohlow
Jennifer Dahbura
Ibrahim Rayintakath

Cover image
Ibrahim Rayintakath

Printed at
Arti Grafiche Larovere Srl, Milan

Favini’s Dolce Vita Recycled 40% (cover), Contact Pack Recycled 50% (Inside Pages), using vegetable-based ink, 100% IPA FREE

Published by
Moleskine Foundation ETS
Milan, Italy, May 2024
ISBN 978-88-944501-4-9
© Moleskine Foundation, 2024

Supported by

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Logo Favini
