Volume n.3

"Golden Sea", Moleskine Foundation Folios N.3, is an account of contemporary reorientation, resilience and creativity lived by artists, cultural workers and civil society in times of displacement and challenged hospitality.

The publication presents creative and cultural positions, philosophical reflections and simple truths that remind us of our shared humanity and commitment to moral decency.

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Forced Displacement Today: A Matter of Humanity

This text is drawn from the Martini Lecture Bicocca delivered by Filippo Grandi at the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca in Milan on 22 March 2019.

As a Person and an Artist

Interview with Rasha Deeb

A Simple Truth

Roberto Casati

Emergency Creativity for a Paradigm Shift

Federico Alcaro


Edited by
Anna Jäger

Art direction & design
Luca Bogoni

Texts by
Federico Alcaro, Luca Berta and Francesca Giubilei, Roberto Casati, Rasha Deeb, Anthony Downey, Liryc Dela Cruz, Filippo Grandi, Anna Jäger, Fabrice Monteiro, Simon Njami, Caterina Pecchioli, Maria Sebregondi

Photos by
Raffaelle Bellezza, Irene Fanizza (Post Past), Rocco Soldini, Colin Delfosse, Richard Mosse, Dominic Nahr, Elena Dorfman, Markel Redondo, Roland Schönbauer, Socrates Baltagiannis

Moleskine Foundation editorial team
Elena Korzhenevich
Daniele Carlini

Cover image
Christian Boltanski, Mer Dorée (detail), 2017–2019
Photo by Francesco Allegretto
Courtesy of the artis

A special thank you to the organisations and individuals who have signed the message written by AtWorkers and brought to Barcolana: Vittorio Malingri, Ambrogio Beccaria, Matteo Miceli, Giovanni Soldini, Hamed Ahmadi, Nation25, Associazione Italiana Giovani per l’UNESCO, DLV BBDO, Freel, Tree, Venice Art Factory, Atelier Trame Libere, Puntoseta, Progetto Agata Smeralda Onlus, FUM Studio, Talking Hands, Fashion Revolution Italia, Cantina Vintinove, Anna Barbara, SenseLab, Ashoka, Comitato Pace Convivenza e Solidarietà Danilo Dolci di Trieste, Ristorante Joia Trieste.

Special thanks to

Fabrice Monteiro for the contribution to the
Moleskine Foundation Collection

Printed by
Galli Thierry stampa, Milan

Publication partner

Paper Favini’s paper Shiro Echo with 100% recycled fibre, using vegetable-based ink, 100% IPA FREE.

Published by
Moleskine Foundation ETS
Milan, Italy, April 2020

ISBN 978-88-944501-2-5

© Moleskine Foundation, 2020

Thank you to all the participants of AtWork Venice workshop, the partnering organizations, and a personal thank you to: Hamed Ahmadi, Raffaele Bellezza, Alberto Bobbio, Loris Bonamassa, Laura Clarke, Arianna Gandolfi, Irene Fanizza, Francesca Giubilei, Giovanna Li Perni, Massimo Maggiore, Barbara Molinario, Melissa Morozzo, Fabio Naccari, Cristina Pittarello, Laura Principi, Virginia Ryan, Silvia Salvadori, Carlotta Sami, Cristina Scateni, Rocco Soldini, Nina Stricker, BBDO Milano, Save the Children Milano, Civico Zero Milano, Civico Zero Torino, Talking Hands, Refugees Welcome Italia, Orient Experience, Cartoleria Belle Arti San Trovaso, Azienda Bonaventura Maschio, Sandro Bravin, Pasquale Sorrentino, Venice Art Factory, Kleronia sailing boat crew and Fabio Rosciglione, Maria Sebregondi, Roberto Di Puma, Francesco Franceschi, Flora Forte.

A version of Anthony Downey’s essay “Scopic Reflection”, was originally commissioned and published for Richard Mosse: Incoming, The Curve, 15 February – 23 April 2017, Barbican, London.The editors and author would like to clarify that Downey’s essay was not written in relation to or in conjunction with the exhibition Rothko in Lampedusa. It is included here to give further context to Mosse’s practice rather than the specific contents of this volume.
