Moleskine Foundation

We believe Creativity can change the world

The Moleskine Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to inspire a new generation of creative thinkers and doers to change themselves and their communities.

We believe that Creativity and quality education is key to tangible social change, and our mission is to inspire youth worldwide to make a difference in their communities.

The Moleskine Foundation offers unique and unconventional educational experiences to allow youth from underserved communities to have access to spaces and tools to unlock their creative potential and transform themselves. By doing so, we support spaces where criticality and imagination can occur, so that novel solutions can be discovered for today’s challenges.

Potentiality © Alun Be

We live in the creativity era

Today’s most pressing social issues are impacting lives around the globe in a multitude of ways, and creativity and creative skills are the driving force to sustainable plural and equitable progress for the world are necessary to find local solutions to these global problems.

We see Creativity beyond artistic expression, but rather as a set of skills innate to all that needs to be constantly cultivated: critical thinking, creative doing, lifelong learning and a changemaking attitude.

Through unconventional educational programs, grants and storytelling initiatives, we foster durable partnerships with creative organizations and individuals which are rooted in their communities and whose values and missions align with ours to develop these skills in youth around the world.

Discover our initiatives

Credits: Cyrus Kabiru

A community of communities

We seek partners from every part of the world who are actively making a change in their communities and impacting the life of youth around them. By supporting their mission and initiatives and connecting them with a network of like-minded creatives, we amplify the voices of today’s Creativity Pioneers, and thus the voices of the young creative thinkers and doers who will build the world of tomorrow.

The cultural organizations and creative individuals we work with are groundbreaking activists, artists and entrepreneurs who use creativity daily as a tool to change the lives of youth communities, inspiring them to shape their future, and thus fostering long-term social transformations.

Discover the stories of the Creativity Pioneers

Support Creativity for Social Change

As we extend our network to the Creativity Pioneers around the world in need of exposure and support, all of us can become part of the change.

There are many ways to get involved with the Moleskine Foundation

Discover how we can build a partnership through our grant program and initiatives, find out about our unconventional educational formats and how you can be part of it, follow us, read about our work, donate and share our mission with the world!

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