What is our partnership with OSF?

Artistic and cultural initiatives can be pivotal in bringing societal transformations and facilitating process of intercultural exchange. Art and cultural projects have the capacity to build a new language, to connect with audience in profound way, to envision that change that is yet to come. This is particularly relevant in the Italian society that only recently has started to experience demographic, social and cultural transformation. Beside new policies and laws, Italy needs a cultural shift. In this context art and culture can play a crucial role in facilitating this passage.

Building on this premise, at the beginning of 2015 lettera27 and OSF partnered up to support art and culture initiatives related to migration and integration in Italy. Within its framework, lettera27 is managing the funding allocation process, starting from grantee co-selection, contract sign-off, follow-up and reporting and accountancy. Projects supported under the agreement include artistic, cultural and educational initiatives related to migrants, asylums seekers, ethnic minorities including Gypsies, and new citizens living in Italy.

In 2015 six artistic and cultural initiatives were selected as lettera27’s sub-grantees:

Amm - Migrations and pluralism.

Some 14 educational activities around the topic of migration and eradication of racial discrimination have been conducted by AMM. Educational days, workshops, panel discussions, film screenings etc. have been conducted in 8 locations across Italy (Turin, Rome, Florence, Padova, Palermo, Brescia, Napoli, Val d’Orcia). A wide range of local partners were involved in the initiatives, incl. schools, universities, MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research), local administration, museums, cultural and educational associations.

In addition to public audience, more than 500 students, 30 teachers/educators and 11 schools participated in the migrant story-sharing events across Italy. Documentation produced will be stored at the Central Institute for Audiovisual in Rome (ICBSA) as part of the RAMM network of the migrant memory archives.

Dagmawi Yimer, Va’ pensiero

Multi-AMM Prize

A prize for the best migrant filmmakers based in Italy awarded annually by AMM. As per the aim of the Premio Mutti project, AMM has been striving to upgrade the award through consolidation of the multimedia and artistic experiences. Outcomes reported so far include an increased outreach of the initiative, reflected in particular in: increased number of institutional partners, directors and artists involved in the Premio Mutti, increased number of candidates participating in this years’ edition of the award, increased number of producers and distributors engaged in supporting the number of migrant film makers, as well as increased number of migrant participants in the Premio Mutti festival.

“Artistic and cultural initiatives can be pivotal in bringing societal transformations and facilitating process of intercultural exchange.”

Partnership Agreement — lettera27 and OSF


a documentary aimed at creating a culture of diversity in the media, by the Ghanaian film maker Fred Kudjo Kuwornu. The film underwent a series of test-screenings at the Africana Literature Association annual conference in Atlanta, Italian Embassy in Accra (with participation of the University of Ghana, National Film Institute and Webster University), UAL University of the Arts of London and New York University in Florence. The documentary is a great educational tool to serve as a basis for discussion on the role of diversity in the media and can be used for various social campaigns, workshops, educational events, panel discussions etc.


A series of Roma-Italian cultural integration events were organised in Rome, Bari and Lecce by the Maxman Cooperative: music concerts and workshops, cooking show, artistic residences, panel discussions with participation of various cultural experts, storytelling by Anina Ciuciu (a Roma girl who made a journey from the shanty town to Sorbonne University). The events were aimed at sensitising the Italian communities about the Roma culture, as well as encourage the Roma communities in Italy to come out and share their stories of origin. Gitanistan documentary has been screened in various locations in Italy.

Nation 25 and Nationless Pavilion

A series of events “Nationless Pavilion” has been organised by the Nation25 within the 56th Biennale of Venice: a roundtable discussion with participation of the refugees, migrants, artists and humanitarian workers sharing their experiences and borders, identity, belonging and exclusion, Square Tape Action (carving out a square space within each national pavilion at the Biennale to mark the symbolic presence of the refugees within their territories), three workshops for students and professional artists led by Ultra Red, Emiliano Fantin and Denis Maksimov, resulting with a collective installation of a new “social apparatus” – the imaginary Nation25.

In addition, an AtWork lab on the topic ”Nomadism of imagination and nomadism of fear” has been organised in collaboration with lettera27. More info on the project here.

"Islam in Italy" photography book project by Elena Perlino

With an aim to foster mutual knowledge of the Muslim and non-Muslim cultures in Italy, the interim outcome of the photographic project by Elena Perlino includes an important breakthrough in relations with the photographed Muslim communities.

Initially prejudiced and ashamed to be photographed, persons involved in the project managed to overcome the barriers and accept the presence of the photographer, which allowed for better and more realistic capturing of their the day-to-day reality and the level of their integration.

Research and networking done by the photographer enabled her to get to know better the vibrant Muslim communities and delve into the cultural relations in the family and with Italian peers.

Elena Perlino. Bra, Italia. Musulmani in chiesa per ricordare padre Hamel.

Who is the target?

Art and culture initiatives related to migration, integration and ethnic minorities in Italy

Initiative’s history

The partnership agreement is a fruit of a long-term collaboration between OSF and lettera27, who have collaborated for the last 4 years within the Lampedusa Film Festival (2012), AMM docu-film productions, Rome (2010-2015); Benvenuti in Italia; Premio Mutti in Bologna and Venice venues (2014-2015). Shared vision, mission values, goals, tone of voice and in general a very compatible strategic approach. Our shared experience can bring an added value in the identification and the selection of initiative to support, aimed to facilitate a systemic change in the Italian society.


Online platform

Selection committee
Miriam Anati
Tania Gianesin
Adama Sanneh


OSF – Open Society Foundations

AMM-Archivio delle Memorie Migranti: Migrations and pluralism – Mutti-AMM Prize

Fred Kuwornu: Blaxploitalian

Maxman Coop: Gitanistan

Nation25: Nationless Pavilion

Elena Perlino: Islam in Italy