A year and some months ago we had a dream : to launch Moleskine Foundation. An unconventional entity that would challenge the paradigms of profit and non-profit conventions in order to create something new, something unexpected, something creative. With an ambitious mission: to create positive change in the society through Creativity and Quality Education.
Today, a year after our birth, the journey has begun and the first dreams came true.
We have the Foundation. We have launched our first ever AtWork Tour “I had a dream”, which has travelled in 3 countries and is concluding in Zimbabwe this November. 100 participants, 100 dreams, 100 notebooks that will be exhibited in the first ever international AtWork exhibition in 2019. We have consolidated our WikiAfrica program and in 3 days will be holding our first big WikiAfrica Education event for teachers in Johannesburg, South Africa. We have added 100 new notebooks to our Moleskine Foundation Collection and held 4 notebooks’ exhibitions in 3 different countries. We have doubled our fanbase on social media channels. We have opened multiple conversations with Moleskine Company to create shared value initiatives that would amplify our social impact worldwide. We have secured new strategic partnerships with some key global cultural players that will be announced very shortly.
And we have new dreams. Dreams of expanding our initiatives and scaling them up. Dreams of launching new exciting programs in 2019. Dreams of opening new offices around the world. Dreams of touching the minds of more and more young creative talents with our transformative educational formats. Dreams of changing the world through creativity.
And of course dreams of having an ever-growing community of supporters and believers in our mission without whom we could never have achieved our crucial first steps and all the great things we are determined to achieve in the future.
So thank you to all of you for your support in so many different ways: for having become our members, for giving your time or expertise, for spreading our message, for being there for us and dreaming with us.
Stay with us in this journey, become a member, renew your membership, follow and support our programs, let’s continue the change, together!