AtWork ” Where is South? ” arrives to Maputo, Mozambique

AtWork Venice "Where is South?", photo by Irene Fanizza

Our AtWork Tour “Where is South?” continues its intercontinental journey. After having toured New York, Libreville and Venice our educational itinerant format is arriving to Maputo, Mozambique for its fourth chapter.

The intensive 5-day AtWork Maputo workshop will be conducted by Simon Njami and implemented in partnership with Pfwura Ndzilo and Anima. On November 11-15th, 25 local young creative talents with various backgrounds ranging from photographers, designers, environment specialists and dancers, will come together at the National Museum of Mozambique to discover what “South” means to them and to have a critical debate on the topic.

The creative outputs of the workshop will be exhibited at the National Museum from November 19th to January 19th.

To extend the conversation around the pertinent topic of “Where is South?” beyond the workshop and to involve the local creative community into the debate we will host a pubic talk by Simon Njami and Moleskine Foundation’s CEO Adama Sanneh on November 14th at Casa Pancho in Maputo at 7:PM.

AtWork Maputo is just a first step in what we hope will be a plurennial partnership with Pfwura Ndzilo and Anima to celebrate creativity and youth in the vibrant context of Mozambique!

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