Scopri una selezione di contenuti tratti da “We, The People” pubblicati su Medium, cliccando i link qui sotto:
A WikiAfrica State of Mind
Adama Sanneh, Co-Funder and CEO at Moleskine Foundation, introducing the WikiAfrica Education program.
How we Made the Constitution
Albie Sachs tells us the history of the South African Constitution
Setting the Best Course
A talk delivered by Justice Cameron to the students attending AfroCuration at Constitution Hill, October 5th 2019.
Counting Our Blessings
Interview to Adv Dumisa Ntsebeza during AfroCuration Event held in October 2019 at Constitution Hill, Johannesburg.
The Power of Each Citizen
Interview to Dawn Robertson, CEO at Constitution Hill.
Knowledge, Creativity and Activism
Moleskine Foundation, Constitution Hill and Afropunk Army partnered together to “Write Black Woman into History”.
My Language is Beautiful
Interview to Thando Idebi, Student participating in the AfroCuration event.

Curated by
Papakow Baiden
Edited by
Giulia Brivio
Art Direction & Design
Luca Bogoni
Curatorial theme development
Lwando Xaso
Interview transcriptions
Yours and Media (PTY) Ltd, Melissa Morozzo, Papakow Baiden
Cultural Partner
Constitution Hill TRUST
Special thanks to
Constitution Hill Development Company,
Harambee, Barloworld Ltd, Nando’s South Africa, Bridge, WikimediaZA, Yours and Media (PTY) Ltd, Fondazione Aurora, Favini
Printed at
Galli Thierry stampa, Milan
Favini’s paper Shiro Echo with 100% recycled
fibre; using vegetable-based ink, 100% IPA FREE.
Published by
Moleskine Foundation ETS
Milan, Italy, February 2020
ISBN 978-88-944501-1-8
© Moleskine Foundation, 2019
WikiAfrica Education is a program that seeks to increase the quantity, quality, and awareness of African content online. We drive this primarily with schools and teachers, empowering them with skills and knowledge of digital tools to become knowledge producers. Our annual events, called AfroCuration, are mass Wikipedia editing sessions in which articles are written, improved, or translated.
Supported by